Sickness Benefit

The National Insurance Sickness Benefit is paid to an insured person who is incapable of working because of sickness or because he is suspected of having a contagious disease and is so certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner.

This benefit is not paid if the incapacity arose from injury on the job. You may however be entitled to the Employment Injury Benefit/s if the incapacity arose from injury on the job.

A person in insurable employment who is sick and between 16 and 65 years, who suffers a loss of earnings as a result of illness or contagious disease for 4 or more days. The insured person must have made a minimum of ten (10) contributions in the 13-weeks prior to the illness.

This benefit is not available to persons between 60 and 65 years, who are in receipt of the Retirement Pension or who have received a Retirement Grant and returned to work.

A claim must be submitted to the Service Centre nearest to you within three (3) months of onset of illness or loss of earnings whichever is later.

Time Frames

0 – 3 Months

Claim on time and can be accepted

3 – 12 Months

Claim late and may be accepted with good cause

12 Months and over

Claim late and shall be disallowed

Late Applications

You must apply on time to ensure that you receive your benefit. Failure to submit your claim to the NIBTT within 3 months of the start of your illness or loss of income can result in you losing all or part of your benefit. You may lose any period that is more than 3 months earlier than the date on which the NIBTT receives your claim unless you can show there was good cause for the delay in submission. Your explanation must be submitted in writing.

If your claim is made more than 12 months after the start of your illness or loss of earnings, the benefit shall be forfeited.

To submit a claim, you must first book an appointment through our Web Appointment Portal (hyperlink portal). To ensure that your claim is accurately submitted to the NIBTT for processing, follow the Claim Guidelines (hyperlinked) when completing all claim forms before your appointment date.

To submit a claim you must first book an appointment through our Web Appointment portal on NIBTT’s .

NI15 Sickness Benefit Claim Form

N15A Medical Certificate for Continuing Illness

Whenever  you perform National Insurance functions under the National Insurance Act or Regulations, you must accurately complete the specific National Insurance forms that are designed so that you can give all the information required.

  • Birth certificate (if not previously submitted).
  • A Marriage Certificate is required for a married woman whose name has changed since her registration, and a completed NI 182 (Change of Particulars of the Insured Person) where necessary.
  • Foreign medicals will only be accepted where the duration, start date of illness and nature of incapacity are clearly stated and the attending doctor signs, dates and stamps the form. Such medicals must be accompanied by a letter of authentication from a Trinidad and Tobago High Commission or Embassy in the country in which the treatment was received. The responsibility for authenticating the status of the attending doctor rests with the insured.

The earnings class in which your benefit will be paid is determined by the average of the 10 highest contributions in the 13 weeks (3 months) immediately preceding the week in which you became ill.

The value of your benefit will be the maximum benefit rate payable in the corresponding earnings class if your loss of earnings is equal to or exceeds that benefit rate. Where loss of earnings is less than the maximum rate payable in the said class then the value of the benefit will be equal to your actual loss of earnings.

The Benefit is paid from the first day of incapacity to a maximum of 52 weeks if you are certified ill and incapable of working and lose earnings.

While you are receiving the Sickness Benefit no contributions are due to the Board on your behalf. You will receive benefit credits The benefit credits will ensure that your loss of earnings does not affect the entitlement to any further benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions


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Application Guidelines Benefits Rates Appointment Portal